Fieldsong Principals

Yuval Taylor, Portfolio Manager

Always eclectic, Yuval’s first loves were birds, books, and mathematics. After completing his undergraduate degree at Princeton and an MA from the University of Iowa, he worked for thirty years as an editor of non-fiction books specializing in music, film, and African American history. He also wrote three non-fiction books published by W. W. Norton, most recently Zora and Langston: A Story of Friendship and Betrayal, as well as articles in The New York Times Book Review, The Guardian, and elsewhere. Yuval began trading in 2013 while spending a year in Bolivia, where he had extra money and time to experiment with algorithms. Six years later, he left publishing and made a big career change, taking a position at Portfolio123, a small financial technology firm. Yuval’s earnings from investing have allowed him and his wife to retire and create a family foundation for charitable giving to support underserved communities. Yuval handles all of Fieldsong’s investing activities and continues to write.

Scott Beavers, Chief of Operations

Scott Beavers first learned about calculated risk and variable returns during a hiatus from college when he played professional blackjack and developed systems to automate card counting. After completing his degree in computer science, he took an R&D position at Applied Biosystems, a research instrumentation startup and the world’s primary supplier of genomic sequencing equipment. Scott spent 20 years coding and managing multidisciplinary development projects, training customers in DNA synthesis and helping set up Celera Genomics, where the human genome was first sequenced. As part of his management accreditation, Scott got an MBA and began working on joint ventures and university research collaborations, developing systems to assess commercialization prospects in frontier technologies. While completing a Master’s in Computer Science during the Global Financial Crisis, Scott tripled the household retirement accounts and realized that investing could provide an independent livelihood. His collaboration with Yuval began in 2018 when he wrote an automation suite that enabled the rapid iteration of backtesting and development runs with Portfolio123. Scott handles all of Fieldsong’s non-investing-related operations.

Yuval Articles
